What you are asking for:

What you can ask for depends on when you bought the goods. If you bought the item less than 31 days ago you can ask for a refund, a replacement or a repair. If you bought the item between 31 days and 6 months ago, you can ask for a repair, a replacement or a discount. If you’ve already asked for a repair but it hasn’t fixed the problem, you can ask for a refund.

Ask for a refund
Ask for a replacement
Ask for a repair
Ask for a discount

Names and Addresses

Your name: Put your name here as you would like it to appear on the letter

Your address: Put your address here as you would like it to appear at the top of the letter

Trader's name: Put the name of the trader you are writing to here if you know it. Otherwise, leave blank

Trader's address: Put the address of the trader you are writing to here

About the goods

Type of goods: Put in the name of the goods which you bought here

Date of purchase: Put the date you bought the goods here

Price of goods: Put the cost of the goods here. A pound sign will be inserted automatically

Compensation requested If you are requesting compensation, put in the amount you are asking for here. If you are asking for a repair, replacement or refund, leave this blank

About the problem

What is wrong with the goods: Describe the problem with the goods you bought

Where the goods fail: Goods must be of satisfactory quality, fit for purpose and match their description. Which of these best describes the issue you described above?.

Not of satisfactory quality
Not fit for purpose
Do not match the description


Documents enclosed: If you are enclosing documents, fill this in to say which documents you have enclosed. Begin with, "I have enclosed"